Sunday, October 21, 2012

Upcoming Light Painting Event

There's going to be a demonstration of light painting at the Metropolitan Museuem of Art in New York, given by Mark Andres and some of the other artists of the Seeing With Photography Collective. Its an exciting way to esperience and discover both a technique and concept of creating art, so if you are in the area, please stop by and participate in the event. Hopefully Mark will ask me to be one of the other artists, so I might see you there.


Oct 26, 2012           The Metropolitan Museum of Art
6:00-8:45pm            1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street
                                   New York, New York 10028
                                   Altered Visions with Seeing With Photography Collective
                                   Demonstration, workshops

Anja Ligtenberg

Last week Dutch photographer Anja Ligtenberg visited briefly with my photo group, SWPC. We met Anja some years ago when she was still living here in New York City. She told us great news, her work had been published in National Geographic. Anja now works with light painting in the Netherlands and described some images made there during a theatrical performance, using the light painting as an important part of the performance.
Have a look at Anja's images from the National Geographic .