Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Altered Visions

The Light paintings that the Seeing With Photography Collective members made at the Metropolitan Museuem of Art, are now online as a set. The light paintings were made by the public, as well as people in our SWPC group, who gathered there for a very brief introduction to the concept and ideas. Many hands were at work, all creating these portraits, which used masks as part of the sitters features. Enjoy our results HERE

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Kat Jie Yi is a film maker studying at the School of Visual Art here in New York City.
Last night she started her documantary, filming how I worked. Heres my portrait of Kat. 
In addition, here's my first in a series I want to make, a series of floating spheres, each of the rounded shapes contains an image, a world, or a symbol- all hovering, tethered or drifting in a luminous, whirl- wind of spinning clouds of light.