Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holding pattern...

It's been more than a month now since I broke my foot. The cuboid bone shattered and splinered and , the planar fascia tendon that is under one's arch, ruptured too. It's excruciatingly painful, and the medication helps, but keeps me groggy. I don't know. Gimping around with a "walking cast" makes the usual clumsiness of near tiotal blindness a bit more pronounced. Luckily my friends Mikhail and Darius have come to my aid, and will visit my parents for Christmas soon. But for my photography, all is on hold. Be patient please. I'll heal up well and be back, swinging my flashlight again. Have a great Holiday and  even better 2012


  1. Hi Steve,

    Sad news about your foot... Take good care of it and get well soon. Have a great Christmas with you parents and friends! I look forward to seeing your new images as soon as you recover.

    Greg Shanta

  2. Hi Greg Your messages have cheerd me up indeed, thanks for your thoughts. have a very nice Holiday and keep up the good work
